‘Managing costs without compromising welfare is a challenge’, Waitrose beef supplier warns


A Waitrose beef supplier has warned that managing costs without compromising welfare is “a challenge” as a result of price increases.

According to a Channel 4 documentary, Waitrose at Christmas, since last Christmas the retail price of festive favourite beef has increased by 13% across the UK.

However, Waitrose has seen an 8% price increase on its shelves.

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“Costs have gone up so to manage those without compromising welfares a challenge we grow all the food on farm ourselves as sustainably as we possibly can,” revealed Waitrose’s supplier.

According to the farmer – who manages more than 500 acres of farmland in Banbury, Oxfordshire – fertiliser prices are currently “very high” and so the business is trying to plant different crops which use less fertiliser.

Waitrose commercial director Charlotte Di Cello, who also appeared on the programme, added: “Customers are paying a lot more money than they were this time last year for food.

“We’re kind of caught in the middle of trying to do as best a job as we can for our customers, particularly now. But, also making sure that we are supporting our British farmers and paying them a fair price.”



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