VK undergoes rebrand as it launches Fresher’s campaign

Beverage brand, VK has announced its alcopop range will be undergoing a major rebrand as it launches its biggest ever Fresher’s campaign.

In a bid to create a bold differentiation between each of the flavours in its drinks range, VK has unveiled a new logo and primary packaging which sees each product with labeled with a distinct colour.

The image revamp comes as VK is set to launch its biggest ever Fresher’s campaign this September and October to display the brand’s new look to its 18-24 year-old key consumer audience.

The ‘#wearevk’ campaign is set to reach 20 million impressions through its first ever out of home digital drive with its ad displays featured at hero sites, in roadside, street and leisure formats and at shopping centres.

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Its digital van tour is also set to boost attraction which is set to reach cities including Edinburgh, Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham and Cardiff.

It also aims to reach an additional 3 million views via video format through a range of ITV channels, across YouTube, via audio plays on Spotify and a further 8 million views across VK’s social media channels.

“Following a lengthy creative process, we’ve introduced new branding that reflects VK’s position as relevant, playful, and cool; characteristics that our Gen Z consumers align with,” Global Brands head of brand, Charlie Leaver said.

“While you may have a favourite in the range, our Gen Z audience are actively looking for more flavour options, citing this variety as a key purchase driver.

“By adding lively, bold, and flavour specific colours to each of our SKUs, we are highlighting this variety, and making the bottle increasingly stand out in late-night venues and across shelves.”

She added: “September is a key period for VK brand awareness, and we can’t wait to see the impact of our rebrand and largest campaign yet on our following in the key 18-24 customer segment.”



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