Iceland donates £150,000 in support of Ukraine

Iceland Foods Charitable Foundation (IFCF) has donated £150,000 to the British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal to help support Ukrainian relief efforts.

The current escalation places millions of people in immediate danger. The donation the frozen food retailer provided can help those affected get food, water, first aid, medicines, warm clothes and shelter.

“People are losing their homes and their lives. It is important to me, to the business and to our customers that we help those in Ukraine,” Iceland managing director Richard Walker said.

“Central and Eastern European countries such as Poland, where I lived and worked for many years, will face the full consequences of up to four million refugees, according to United Nations.

“Through our foundation, we have donated £150,000 to the British Red Cross. We stand with Ukraine.”

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British Red Cross chief executive Mike Adamson added: “Donations will help us reach displaced people in Ukraine and those fleeing to neighbouring countries with food, water, medicine, medical equipment and other essentials.

“We are hugely grateful for this donation from Iceland Foods Charitable Foundation.”

The news comes after Tesco chief executive Central Europe, Matt Simister, shared on his LinkedIn page how the supermarket has been delivering relief packages for displaced Ukrainians around Eastern Europe.

He wrote: “Steered by the Red Cross our initial donations have been food, water, hygiene products and clothing, but our humanitarian aid will evolve with the needs of those impacted/displaced.”

Additionally, Tesco mobile slashed the cost of calls to Ukrainian numbers to allow people to contact their loved ones in the country.

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